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  • Elder Diego Torres

The Power of Silence (Week 75)

The closer my return date gets, the faster the weeks seem to fly! It's kinda scary but exciting also!

I began my week doing a division with Elder Cruz from Cerrado. We were looking for new investigators when we passed a football court where a few "moleques" (young kids) were playing. We walked a few metres in front and then I said: "Let's go speak to the moleques". We went and I didn't even attempt to kick the ball around because you know... I'm SO good at football I didn't want to embarrass them. Elder Cruz kicked the ball over the fence which was amusing. I then spoke to a 15 year-old boy called Ramon. He was super nice, passed us his address but when he told me he goes to the Igreja Quadrangular (Square Church, I know) I didn't feel so excited to go back to his house. We finished the day, had some pizza and ended our division.

The next day, I remembered Ramon and was like "Why not?" We went to his house and taught him the Restoration. He payed close attention to everything and was very committed to reading and praying by the end of the lesson. The next day we returned and asked how it had gone. He said that he read, prayed and felt goosebumps. We asked him what he thought that was and he recognised it was an answer that the Book of Mormon is true. We then asked him about baptism and he wasn't so certain. He is baptised in the other church and has quite an active role in the youth. We challenged him to pray again and ask God if he should be baptized on the 12th of February. One day later we came back and he said that he had received a very clear feeling that he should be baptised! He came to church with and is an amazing young man! Pray for his baptism this Sunday! :D

Mum has always bore her testimony of the Plan of Salvation. Every single time she bears testimony she mentions the Plan of Salvation. This week I received a bigger testimony of it also. We were doing contacts and met a man called Douglas. It quickly became apparent as we talked that he had a hatred for churches and no belief in God. He told us of how his mother had tried to kill him when he was a child, how he was homeless for 20 years and how churches had abused of his faith and robbed him what little money he had. He spoke for a long time and we listened. When he stopped ranting, I bore my testimony of the Plan of Salvation and the atonement of Jesus Christ. I said that I could not imagine the pain he had felt all these years but that there was someone a lot greater and a lot better who suffered much more. Jesus Christ suffered all things so we may find strength through him.

We then left and a few houses down we met Francisca. She has a 10 year old son who is blind, partially deaf, mute and can't walk. Her faith in God and His plan was astounding. She understood that there was something more. There HAS to be! Life without the hope of a resurrection and a reunion with God would indeed be miserable and cause anyone to build up anger against a supposedly loving God. Francisca, little Mateus and her oldest daughter went to church this Sunday and felt a sweet spirit. It is a privilege to help such special children of God.

We continued working with Wdson who we baptized last week and his younger brother, Eduardo. We were patient with his decision not to be baptized just yet and when we less expected it he told us he wanted to be baptized on Sunday! The YM's president had the excellent idea of Wdson being interviewed to receive the Aaronic Priesthood before his confirmation and in the sacrament meeting he would both receive the Holy Ghost and be called to be a priest. That's exactly what happened! Just one week after his baptism, Wdson was able to baptize his own brother. That's what missionary work is all about!

Remember Gustavo, I told you about last week? Well, we had an incredible experience with him this week. We had marked his baptism for Sunday night as his mother wanted to watch. We went there to pick them up and out of nowhere the boy gave up. "I don't want to be baptized anymore." "Why?" we asked. "I just don't want to". We were heartbroken. This young man had had a dream about the Book of Mormon and now he had given up. Then we began speaking. We talked about the apostles and how they weren't super prepared when Christ called them, we asked why he gave up over and over and over again, we read scriptures while he stood there with his head down. We then asked if he would be baptized that night and he said "no". I was confused and stressed. Then I remembered: "Ask inspired questions". I then asked him about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. For the first time in that conversation we gave him a chance to speak and bear testimony. I then asked him again: "Will you be baptized tonight?". The reply was quick: "No." I then thought, let the spirit work. We stayed quiet for what felt like a minute. As we sat there in silence with our heads down he said: "Ok then, let's go!" It was a very special baptism. He radiated happiness and his mother was also glowing and will follow her son's step in two weeks. Modern day miracle to see a young man follow Jesus Christ!

I'm loving the mission and it's ending soon, noooo!!

Love you all,

Elder Torres

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