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  • Elder Diego Torres

Mission = 33% Completed (Week 34)

Hello everyone!

8 months down, 16 to go! Time has flown by here in the mission office and next transfer I will be training the next executive secretary. That means I'll be out of the office the 7th of June. I have learned so many things and he opportunity I have had to work close to President and Sister Farnes has been invaluable. :)

So since last week's email, Alex was baptised on Sunday! It was incredible to see all his family reunited at the chapel and supporting his baptism. The ward here in Horto Florestal were incredibly supportive and all stayed behind to see him do his first covenant with the Lord: BATISMO! Unfortunately I don't have any picture as my camera was stolen (yep, we were robbed again) but I will get some pictures from Alex's girlfriend Carla. He will be a great addition to the ward and a real attribute to the Lord's kingdom here on earth. :)

This week we had two multi-zone conferences and there was a lot of work to get it all done and organised. The theme of the multi-zone was "The Fourth Missionary", based on a talk given by Lawrence E. Corbridge. Resuming quite simply, the first missionary is disobedient and goes home before the time. The second missionary is disobedient too but tries to work and help people. He may finish his mission but is unchanged by his time on the field. The third missionary is obedient, works hard but doesn't truly consecrate his heart and although he has good experiences and fruits from his mission, he may not be changed by his mission. The fourth missionary gives everything to the Lord, he sacrifices his time, his pride, his interests and really works with the desire to help people be saved. This missionary is changed by his mission and will be saved.

To help represent this visually for the missionaries, we separated the zones into 4 groups randomly and took the groups into individual rooms for a quick training. Each room represented one of the four types of missionary. Here is a picture of the first room.

​It was dark and the room was very messy.The mood wasn't pleasant at all even though it was just a visual practise and the missionaries who were in the room are all great! There was nothing to eat and the air conditioning wasn't working.

The second group was bigger and they just had crackers to eat. Needless to say, it wasn't a very exciting room to be in either, although the crackers did something to relieve their hunger! :P

​The third room was pretty good! They had Froot Loops and Frosties and other cereals. They were pretty happy with their cereals and milk. The room had more light and it was pretty comfortable. Here some pics from the 3rd room:

The last room which represented the fourth missionary was, of course, the best. It was like walking into President and Sister Farnes' house. Waffles, pancakes (which the secretaries baked), fancy plates and glasses, paintings and pictures and the best was that President and his wife served the few lucky missionaries who were picked. Let me show you what I mean:

There was classical music playing in the background and it definitely didn't feel like we were in São Paulo anymore! ;) After everyone had finished their training in the 4 rooms, we all came back to the chapel and discussed what they had had learned about the 4 types of missionaries. It was funny to see everyone's reaction as we showed them the pictures of the waffles and pancakes. President Farnes went on to explain that we may be in the 1st or 2nd rooms, accustomed to the darkness and with the wrong attitude towards the work. We can be in the 3rd room, content with our efforts and thinking that what we have done is good enough. After all, Froot Loops are pretty good. Or we can be a fourth missionary, enjoying the blessing of true happiness. If we consecrate everything to the Lord, He will give us all the blessings which are waiting for us.

President Farnes also compared the 4 types of missionaries to the people in Lehi's Dream (1 Nephi 8). I did some drawings to help the missionaries understand the comparison.

The first group went straight to the big and spacious building.

​The second got lost in the darkness on their way to the tree because they didn't hold on to the rod.

The third group got to the tree, ate of the fruit but were persuaded by those in the building and soon walked away from the tree and into the darkness.

The fourth group delighted of the fruit and held firm to the rod. This is the group we should all aim to be in!

In the end everyone decided they would be the 4th missionary and to celebrate we set off a bunch of white helium balloons, attached to them a piece of paper saying what we would leave behind or stop doing so we can be truly consecrated.

Here is a picture of my zone, São Paulo Norte zone. :)

Yesterday night we had dinner at Carmita's house, we had wonderful food traditional to the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais! i had left a few chapters in Alma for Mateus to read and when I asked about what I had thought of the 2000 stripling warriors he related to me the whole story, including names, places and even the war tactics. I was stunned! His mother was super proud of his and said he will be a great missionary one day!

We have been teaching a large family who live in quite a poor area. They are super lively and one second are playing then you blink and they're fighting and arguing. Ah, large families! :)

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for this week, hope you are all well!

Lots of love,

Elder Torres

PS: Yes, they did steal my camera but we now have an alarm system, cameras and the windows are barred off. Like they say, three times the charm! We're all good and safe!

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